
Monday, September 6, 2010

Makeup colors should be in harmony with the glasses

 women who wear glasses Should   harmonize with color and  glasses. there is a simple rule: "whenever the glasses are simple, it was possible to make up an attractive, and vice versa,"  so need to chime colors shades the eyelids with glasses.

 the type of visual defect also plays a crucial role in determining the nature of the make-up; some glasses lenses make the eyes look smaller, for example in the case of myopia, and vice versa in the case of farsightedness.

For women who suffer from farsightedness have developed shades of eyelids dark and shimmering shades of blue, black and Almitalk, if you put these  from the crown of the lashes even pagan eyelid, that make size of eyes look small . use of a dark color  emphasizes this effect on the eyes and gives a degree of ambiguity.

In women who suffer from myopia, it is better to give birth shades the eyelids with bright colors and brilliant, which gradually turns to dark colors trend abroad.  it can lighten the eyes even further through the development as a white or beige on the inside edge of the lower eyelid and put a lot of mascara on the eyelashes. This means that the eyes larger and more attractive and charming.


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